Empowered People, Empower People

Just wanted to share with you what I shared with our awesome leaders today at CCA.

Yesterday I read a great tweet and wanted to share it with you.  Here is what it said…

Never Delegate.  Always Empower.

I love that.  I am always looking for things I do that I can delegate to others, but empowering them to do it takes on a whole new meaning.

When people feel empowered by a leader they feel a part of the team and they feel ownership.  I have found that when people feel ownership, they complete their task with greater excellence, have more fun, and always seem to empower others to help them.  

Empowered people, empower people.

So, who can you empower today?  Maybe by letting them set the next menu for your next Life Group Meeting or letting them show the new guy/gal on your team the ropes? 

Empowering people is a great way to train them, develop them, and allow them to use their gifts and talents to advance the Kingdom of God.


Humble Pie

Luke 18:9-30
Mark 10:1-31
Matthew 19:1-30

Last Friday night we had our first annual staff #FALLapalooza.  It was the night that we celebrated all things… fall.

I decided to make the night a night of competition between all the staff couples.   Which meant we had fun games throughout the night ranging from pumpkin seed spitting contest to a fall trivia questionnaire to pumpkin carving contests which many of you helped us choose the winning pumpkin on Facebook. I think we all did pretty good.


But the first game we played was quite “I” opening.  I gave everyone a beaded necklace and told them that when I said start no on could say the word “I” again.  If they did, the first person to call out pumpkin would get their beads. In the end, the one with the most beads would win the game.

It is not an easy game to play.  Our conversations are very me driven and we don’t even realize it until we are told we can’t use the personal pronoun “I” anymore.

In our chronological reading today, the Pharisee’s prayer was very “I” driven as well…

thank you, God, that am not a sinner like everyone else. For I don’t cheat, I don’t sin, and don’t commit adultery. I am certainly not like that tax collector! I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income. Luke 18:11-12

He was quite full of himself and p-r-I-d-e.

But the Tax Collector (aka sinner) was very humble and sorrowful.

And he is the one Jesus said returned home justified (Luke 18:14). In the same verse, Jesus drove home his point by following up with this, For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

In other words, be humble or be humbled.

Playing the “I” game Friday night made us realize how much we refer to ourselves in our conversations. That does not make us bad people, and it does not make you a bad person if you do it as well.

It just reminds us that to be humble and conscience of God and others does not come naturally.

Many people think that being humble means to think low of yourself. That is not the case at all.  Being humble means you don’t think of yourself at all.

So let’s purpose this week to Love GodLove People and Serve Others with humble and willing hearts killing any p-r-I-d-e that may have.


p.s. Congrats to Erikah and Caleb who one the night of competition!

num 1

p.s.s. Caley can spit seeds farther than the rest of the staff wives. And Erikah is the least self-centered. She ended up with all the beads.

p.s.s.s Thanks men for letting us laugh at your non-orange-rolling skills. You’re the best!

Jesus Is _____.

Have you ever really wondered who Jesus was?

It isn’t really about who He was, but who He still IS.

Last week I finished reading Jesus Is______. by Judah Smith.


And if you are new follower of Christ, a lifelong follower or just merely curious, then this book is for YOU!

Not yet convinced you want to invest $12 in this book?  Then sample a chapter here.

And by the way, that chapter starts off with, JESUS IS your friend.

Here are just a few of the things I highlighted from the book-

  • The Pharisees thought the Messiah was only coming for the chosen few, for the sanctified few. But Jesus said over and over that he came for the broken, the bad, the addicted, the bound, the deceived, the lost, the hurting.
  • Jesus is not your accuser.  He’s not your prosecutor.  He’s not your judge.  He’s your friend and your rescuer.
  • We either pretend we don’t need Him or we acknowledge that we do.
  • Jesus befriends the worst of sinners, so Jesus befriends me.
  • We are often harsher judges than God himself.

I  hope you give the book and Jesus a try!


The Question

I got asked it again yesterday.  And frankly I have been asked it MANY times over the past few years… How does having an empty nest make you feel?

When I was having the same conversation with someone on Sunday about this I told them how funny life is.  When your kids are home you long for the time when life once again will be all about you and your hubby.  Then when your kids leave you long for just one more night with the entire family spending quality time together.

I think this is just all a part of life and being human.  We are always longing for what we do not have. 

We want a promotion on our job, then when we get it we long for the day when we had less responsibility.

We want a new car, then when we get it we long for the day when we didn’t have a car payment.

We want to make a difference in other’s lives, then when we are we long to have more me time.

And on and on the cycle goes.

So what is the solution?

What if we learned to be content with where we are and what we have?  In my opinion, one of the secrets to satisfaction is learning to want the things you already have.

But the other side of this coin is without discontentment we would not push ourselves to do more, be more, love more, serve more and become more.

In other words, it is a balancing act.  And doesn’t that really describe all of life?

So just for today let’s enjoy where we are on the way to where we are going and savor every moment.  Because where you are today, just might be what you long for once again tomorrow.


An Invitation

For the past 8 months myself and the staff at CCA have been reading through the Chronological Bible and blogging here Monday-Friday about each day’s reading.

It has been an incredible journey so far and on September 24th we will begin reading in the New Testament.

If you would like to finish out 2013 with us reading through the New Testament then there are three things you need to do…

  • Order your Chronological Bible here, download it onto your Kindle here, or your Nook here.
  • Put this web address in your Bookmarks ccalachua.wordpress.com
  • And on September 24th, read that day’s reading in the Bible, then join us at the web address you just saved each day as we journey through the Word together

Let’s finish this year strong!

You can do it!


Follow The Leader

This was written to the Leaders at CCA, but if you lead I hope it helps you too.

When I was in elementary school, the teacher would line the class up, put a leader at the front of the line and say, “Ok, now everyone follow the leader.”

And where that leader walked, we walked.  When they stopped, we stopped.

There are times in our leadership life that we have to stop and take a look at where we are leading our people.  Because where we lead, they will follow.

I have learned over the years that if I am feeling like my team just isn’t where it should be, then maybe it’s me. Ouch!

Many times we can get so focused on what we are doing that we forget to stop and pay attention to how we are doing it.

Here are a couple of great questions to ask ourselves that may help us out-

-On a scale of 1-10, how would I rate my attitude when I serve and lead?

-On a scale of 1-10, how prepared am I?

-When I serve or lead, do I reflect the mission and vision of CCA to LOVE God, LOVE People and SERVE Others?

-Am I more focused and concerned with the obstacles than the opportunities? (We are a portable church and have PLENTY of both!)

Our people are not just following what we do, but they are following how we do it.

If we are never prepared, they won’t feel it is important to prepare.

If our attitude stinks, their attitudes will probably stink too.

Here’s what John Maxwell says in the 21 Irrefutable Laws ofLeadership, True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned.  It comes from influence, and that can’t be mandated.  It must be earned. 

When I was in school it was mandated that I follow the leader.  If I didn’t, I would get paddled. (Do they even still do that today?)

At CCA the people on are teams do have a choice to follow or not to follow.  And when we are prepared to lead and have great attitudes,

they will want to follow.

And you will be leading them somewhere great!


It’s a God Thing

Numbers 2-3

Magazines highlight it.  Stores were created just for it.  Blogs are written everyday concerning it.  And I am a big fan of it.

What is the it I am talking about??


And after reading our chapters for today you see God is a fan of it too!!

Many of us fight organization for various reasons: it may not come natural to you, it is time-consuming, you don’t see the value in it, etc.

I am most definitely not the poster child for organization, but I do try to keep things as organized as I can. My shoes are all in the same kind of clear container with labels identifying the shoes within it. All the manuals for every appliance and electronic in my home are located in one binder.  All my important papers are properly filed away.

Why do I do these things?  Because it makes life easier!  If I have a problem with my blender, I know where to go to find my manual.  I don’t have to wonder what shoes I have to wear or where they are.

Organization just makes life better for me!  Again, I am NOT nearly as organized as I would like to be and if I were I think my husband would leave me.  He already thinks I’m a little OCD. I don’t want to prove him right.  🙂

But I am so glad I have a God that LOVES organization too!  God does not organize because He is OCD; He knows it makes our life better!

Here is how God had Israel organize their camp.


I hope you notice what is at the center; the tabernacle.

The place of God’s presence.

God is at the center.  Why?  Because when God was at the center of Israel’s life and existence, everything was… BETTER!

1 Corinthians 14:33 tells us, For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…

My home is so much more peaceful when I feel like everything is in its proper place.

And my life is so much more peaceful when God is in His proper place.

I know you have tossed a rock into a pond at some point in your life and watched the ripple effect it caused.

Imagine that rock is God.  When He is in his proper place (the center of our lives) He will effect everything else that emanates from our lives for our good.

So my prayer for you today is that you would ask God to be the center of your life if He’s not already.  And let Him effect everything in your life… for your good.

Organization… It’s a God thing!!


I Will Give Him Praise

I have one of those Christmas coffee table books that I bring out each December and place on my coffee table of course.

When reading through it again this season I had to really stop and ponder this quote by Max Lucado,

Mary didn’t know whether to give Him milk or give Him praise, but she gave Him both since He was, as near as she could figure, hungry and holy.

I tried to imagine what Mary had to be feeling and thinking as she held in her arms the God that held her very life in His.

As sweet and precious as that moment had to be, this quote made me realize we can have the same experience, not literally, but spiritually, because although we may not hold Jesus in our arms, we do hold Him in our hearts.

Amazingly, 33 years after giving birth to Jesus, His mother, let go of Jesus’ hand for a final time so that we could forever hold Him in our hearts.

So like Mary, I will give Him praise!!

Have yourself a Mary little Christmas,


Sunday Night Dinner

I LOVE Sunday nights!!  They are mine and Mark’s time for unwinding, processing, celebrating a week’s worth of praying and planning that culminated in one awesome CCA service.  It is also the time I look at my Action Steps for another new week and get my mind seasoned with what’s ahead.

Sometimes I even begin working on those Action Steps because I really enjoying waking up on Monday morning knowing I have already crossed some things off my To-Do list!!

When our kids were still living at home our Sunday night tradition would be to go to that pancake capital of the world (International House of Pancakes, aka IHOP) for some fam time and LOTS of carbs.

Now, we just settle in for the evening, unless it is hunting season, then one of us is usually sitting on the side of a tree (BTW, that one is not me, of course you already knew that).

So since the IHOP tradition has passed, and we still like to eat, I usually cook us up something that we can also warm up on Monday night when we come home from a long day at the office.  Planning ahead.  It’s a good thing!

Today I wanted to share with you one recipe I discovered last week that my hubby said was even better than the restaurant’s.  Although, if you are feeding more than two, there probably wont be any leftovers for your Monday nights.  It’s that good.

Hope your family loves it too!!

P.F. Chang’s Mongolian Beef Recipe:



2 teaspoons vegetable oil

½ teaspoon ginger, minced

1 tablespoon garlic, chopped

½ cup soy sauce

½ cup water

¾ cup dark brown sugar

vegetable oil, for frying (about 1 cup)

1 lb flank steak (I used sirloin since it was on sale)

¼ cup cornstarch (I will use flour next time)

2 large green onions, chopped




Heat 2 tsp. of vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over medium/low heat.  Don’t get the oil too hot.

Add ginger and garlic to the pan and quickly add the soy sauce and water before the garlic scorches.

Dissolve the brown sugar in the sauce, then increase the heat to medium and boil the sauce for 2-3 minutes or until the sauce thickens. Remove it from the heat.


Slice the flank steak against the grain into 1/4″ thick bite-size slices. Tilt the blade of your knife at about a forty five degree angle to the top of the steak so that you get wider cuts.

Dip the steak pieces into the cornstarch to apply a very thin dusting to both sides of each piece of beef.  Let the beef sit for about 10 minutes so that the cornstarch sticks.  As the beef sits, heat up one cup of oil in a wok (you may also use a skillet for this step as long as the beef will be mostly covered with oil). Heat the oil over medium heat until it’s nice and hot, but not smoking.

Add the beef to the oil and sauté until brown. Stir the meat around a little so that it cooks evenly.  After a couple minutes, use a large slotted spoon to take the meat out and onto paper towels.  Dab excess oil off meat with a paper towel and add to medium saucepan with the sauce in it.  Put the pan back on the stove over medium/low heat.  Add chopped green onions and let sauce simmer until warm. Serve over rice.

Bon Appétit!!



Caught Off Guard

What a great and interesting morning Sunday’s Service was for me!!

It was my first Sunday serving in our children’s ministry KidzKonnection and let me just tell you, kids are VERY interesting!!  But I LOVED every minute of it and I thought I’d share just a couple highlights with you. 🙂

Here are a few things I overheard our kids say…

He started it!” (Sure he did LOL)

Everyone plug your noses! I just laid a bomb!” (I am sure his mom is so proud)

I could not hold it in!” (Said same boy… that laid the bomb… with the proud mom)

But one of the most heart wrenching things was said after I asked my group of 3rd, 4th and 5th graders this question, “If God told you, as he did King Solomon, He would give you anything you ask for, what would you ask for?”  

Here were their answers…


“I want a hundred iPhones!!”

“I want an iPad.”


“I just want my mom and dad to get back together.”

Yeah, heart wrenching!!  I was able to later talk with this sweet child and share the love of God with them.  I am humbled that God is using CCA and all our children’s workers to truly make a difference and offer hope to some kids who are hiding hopelessness behind their smiles.

So please pray for Pastor Caleb and all of us who serve with him that we would be God’s voice, hands and heart to them.  These kids will grow up knowing that not only did Jesus put them first, but in Alachua, FL there were a group of adults that put them first too!!

But here is what I also know, kids are not the only ones who are hiding behind smiles.

So as you move through your week, ask God to show you to whom you can be His voice, hands and heart. 

You ARE a difference maker because you were created to make difference!! Ephesians 2:10

Much love,
