Who is the Greatest

Today’s Chronological Bible Reading
Mark 14:1-2, 10-26
Matthew 26:1-5, 14-30
Luke 22:1-30
John 13:1-30

In readings like today’s you see so clearly the picture of humanity and how messed up and self-centered we really are.

Jesus shares that he is about to die and that someone from among them has betrayed him. The disciples respond just as we would; asking who would ever do such a thing. Luke 22:21-22

The very next verse though, they begin to debate which one among them will be the greatest.

Jesus handles this situation with such grace. I would have been ready to say, “Really guys? I just told you I am soon to be crucified, someone who has walked beside us all for 3 three years has betrayed me, and all you can do in response is argue about which one of you will be the greatest?!?

But not Jesus, he takes this opportunity to teach them about what true greatness is.

In God’s economy, or his way of doing things, everything is opposite from the world’s.  In our world, we work hard for and earn our livings, our scholarships, our right to be promoted.

But with God, we don’t earn anything; we just through faith receive it.

It’s opposite of the way things are done in the world.

So is it with our greatness in God.

In our world to be great you have to achieve more, be more, do more, and become more than anyone else around you.

In God’s world, you just simply serve more. Luke 22:25

So, whom can you serve today?  Whose life can you make better by just one small action?

Being better than someone else does not make you more like Christ.  Serving them does.

Love God. Love People. Serve Others.

Let’s rock this today!!
